New England Sailing Center (NESC)

New England Sailing Center

Dinghy and Outboard Endorsement

dinghy at dock-260x221
  • Description:

Learn to safely and efficiently operate a dinghy with an outboard motor, in a variety of environments, including operating from a dock, a beach, and a cruising yacht. Knowledge of types of dinghies and outboards, characteristics of each, safe operation, security, towing, hoisting, storage, transit, employment, care and maintenance.

Please visit our course and certification information page for more information on pricing. Contact us to check course availability and to schedule your course.

Directions: Getting to Us

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Certification: ASA 116, Dinghy and Outboard Endorsement
  • Duration: 1 day course (10:00 – 4:00 with break for lunch)
  • Curriculum:

Study materials: Going Ashore Made Easy




  • Launch the dinghy from a dinghy rack, or from the deck or davits of a yacht. Ensure drain plug is installed and dinghy is properly inflated.
  • Mount the outboard motor securely to the dinghy transom.
  • Connect fuel supply and demonstrate outboard motor starting procedures.
  • Ensure that required dinghy safety equipment is on board, and demonstrate procedures for use.
  • Demonstrate safe crew boarding techniques.

Operating and Maneuvering

  • Start, test gears
  • Safely depart from dock or yacht.
  • Maneuver the dinghy in an open space with smooth and efficient outboard operation
  • Simulating engine failure, row or paddle the dinghy.
  • Safely return to dock or yacht.

Docking and Beach Landings and Departures

  • Dock the dinghy bow first or alongside a dock, allowing crew to embark/disembark.
  • Secure the dinghy at a dock using a bow line and securing cable or chain.
  • Demonstrate safe beach landing and departure procedures.


  • Anchor the dinghy using a bow anchor.
  • Deploy a stern anchor to hold the dinghy in position when docked.


  • Demonstrate correct procedures for towing a dinghy.
  • Secure the dinghy for safe transit or storage (davits, crane, platform, as available).


  • Describe the purpose of and construct each of the following knots without assistance: clove hitch; round turn and 2 half hitches; cleat hitch; bowline.