New England Sailing Center (NESC)

New England Sailing Center

Catamaran Cruising Certification

Catamaran Cruising-260x221
  • Description:

For recreational sailors interested in sailing as a family activity, or for sailors that just prefer the feel of sailing on multihulls, cats are the growing boat of choice for many. Catamarans offer spaciousness, comfort and no heeling. The cruising catamaran course covers terminology and hardware identification specific to cats; identifying the differences between multihulls and monohulls, including systems, boat handling under power and under sail, person overboard, heavy weather sailing, anchoring and docking the boat.

This certification course should provide you with a strong foundation for multihull sailing and is achievable in 1-2 days if your Bareboat Cruising pre-requisite has been met. Alternatively we do offer this course in our group course offerings (4 student maximum) in our 6 day/5 night Live Aboard Cruising format.

We also offer private courses. To schedule private instruction, charter your catamaran through Swain for 5 days or longer and book your cruising cat course instructor for five days and then continue on to bareboat charter. If you have achieved your Bareboat Cruising certification prior to this course, you have the option to schedule your instructor for the first two days and then continue on to bareboat charter.

Please visit our course and certification information page for more information on pricing. Contact us to check course availability and to schedule your course.

Directions: Getting to Us

  • Prerequisites: ASA 101 Basic Keelboat, 103 Coastal Cruising, 104 Bareboat Cruising
  • Certification: ASA 114 Certification
  • Duration: 1-2 days if your Bareboat Cruising pre-requisite has been met
  • Curriculum:




  • Locate and check the condition of all required and ASA recommended equipment.
  • Perform a routine vessel inspection, ensuring that all systems and equipment are in working order.

Under Power

  • Depart safely from a dock when the approximate wind direction is (a) parallel to the dock and (b) perpendicular to the dock.
  • Demonstrate the proper use of spring lines to pivot the catamaran during dock departure and return.
  • Ensure vessel and crew readiness and use the auxiliary engines to bring the catamaran smoothly to a controlled stop next to a parallel dock or into a slip; then secure the vessel using appropriate lines and fenders.
  • Make way ahead and turn the catamaran in a tight circle, comparing the turning radius between three different engine gear selections.
  • Make way astern and turn the catamaran in a tight circle.
  • Steer a straight, controlled course astern for at least five boat lengths.
  • Approach a mark under power upwind, downwind, and with wind abeam, in each case stopping the catamaran within 10 feet of the mark.
  • Approach a mooring buoy (or suitable substitute if no mooring is available), attach to the mooring using a bridle, then cast off from the mooring and get underway.
  • Maneuver the catamaran under power in a confined space, compensating for wind and current effects.
  • Demonstrate the correct actions to be taken while under power to recover a MOB.
  • Anchor/mooring methods as appropriate to local conditions

Under Sail

  • Sail a steady compass course, varying the heading no more than +/- 10 degrees, with sails trimmed properly.
  • Demonstrate proper usage of all lines and sail controls.
  • Demonstrate proper combined usage of the mainsheet and traveler for upwind and downwind sailing.
  • Demonstrate how to get out of “irons.”
  • Perform maneuvers separately and under control, giving appropriate commands and ensuring proper sail trim.
  • Hold a steady course on points of sail, ensuring proper sail trim.
  • Luff sails while sailing on a close reach at maximum safe speed for the conditions, noting the length of time required for the catamaran to come to a stop. Re-trim sails and note the length of time required to accelerate to maximum safe speed.
  • Demonstrate the correct use of a jibe preventer.
  • Demonstrate proper reefing procedures while under sail or hove-to.
  • Demonstrate the proper actions to be taken while under sail to recover a MOB, using two different recovery methods.