New England Sailing Center (NESC)

VHF Certification

VHF Certification

  • Description:

A six to eight hour course offered in one day, covering general rules for the use and operation of VHF radios, SARTs, and EPIRBs. Every crew member needs to know how to operate a marine radio as well as what to do in case of an emergency. This course also covers an introduction to other marine communications.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Certification: VHF Radio Operator Certificate
  • Duration: six to eight hour course
  • Tuition: $195 per person

Includes the course manual, exam fee, laminated certification card, training logbook. Retake fee $25.

  • Curriculum:

A written exam will be administered at end of classroom session. A grade of 70% or higher is required to pass. Should a candidate fail an examination, a re-take exam will be allowed for an additional fee.

Visit our VHF Certification Overview for more information on this course.