New England Sailing Center (NESC)

Competent Crew Endorsement™

Competent Crew Endorsement™

  • Description:

NESC developed the Competent Crew Endorsement for students and family members wanting to experience sailing without the in-depth training and certification. Participants can be as hands on as they would like.

This instruction level is most common for couples and families that have varying interest levels but want to experience sailing together. Students completing the Competent Crew Endorsement instruction level can gain sufficient knowledge to support certified sailors for recreational sailing during daylight hours and within sight of land.

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Certification: None
  • Duration: Consistent with individual training courses
  • Tuition: Consistent with individual training courses
  • Curriculum:

Consistent with individual training courses but in a more relaxed manner

Visit our Competent Crew Endorsement Overview for more information on this course.