New England Sailing Center (NESC)

Advanced Coastal Cruising Certification

Advanced Coastal Cruising Certification

  • Description:

Advanced Coastal Cruising is for advanced sailors looking for experience of at least 50 nautical miles upon coastal waters.

Advanced Coastal Cruising challenges those students who have taken Basic Keelboat, Basic Coastal Cruising, Bareboat Cruising, Coastal Navigation or have the equivalent qualifications. Everything you learned from these courses will be used along with new skills you master through this course. Some of these skills include night time approaches to anchorages, night time man overboards, full on navigation, lights at night, standing watches and safety items one must know when sailing out of sight of land.

  • Prerequisites: Basic Keelboat, Basic Coastal Cruising, Bareboat Cruising, Coastal Navigation

If certifying, students must have completed the Basic Keelboat, Basic Coastal Cruising, Bareboat Cruising and Coastal Navigation courses or have comparable training to challenge the prerequisite certifications.

The Coastal Navigation course prerequisite is offered in conjunction with this course. Tuition is discounted from $295 to $250 when taken in combination with Advanced Coastal Cruising.

  • Certification: ASA 106 Advanced Coastal Cruising Certification
  • Duration: 5 days / 4 nights course
  • Tuition: $2,795 per person (maximum 4 students)

Tuition includes the Advanced Coastal Cruising text, night of arrival sleep aboard, provisioning for 5 days (4 breakfasts; 4 lunches; 2 dinners; snacks and starter kit) and the ASA 106 Advanced Coastal Cruising certification fee. Not included in the tuition are drinking water and other beverages, dinners ashore, instructor’s gratuity. A minimum deposit of 50% of total package is due at the time of the booking. Balance is due 60 days prior to the course start date.

  • Curriculum:

Advanced Coastal Cruising graduates will have successfully demonstrated their ability to responsibly skipper and crew an inboard auxiliary powered cruising sailboat during passages on coastal waters, in all weather conditions, including all levels of visibility and all hours of the day and night.

Visit our Advanced Coastal Cruising Certification Overview for more information on this course.